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Manga is a Japanese

 Manga is a Japanese word which when meant English becomes "comic book. Osamu Tezuka is alluded to as the lord of manga. The vivified types of manga have gotten mainstream in the anime field, yet they started as comic books.  Manga is a Japanese word which when meant English becomes "comic book." When alluding to manga, anybody not from Japan is discussing a Japanese comic book. These are kid's shows drawn and distributed on paper. Like in the U.S. with Superman and Spiderman, manga in Japan has its stars. Osamu Tezuka is alluded to as the divine force of manga. He made Astro Boy, following from the motivation of Walt Disney characters, for example, Mickey Mouse and Bambi. You can see the motivation in his characters' enormous eyes that permits the craftsman to show a lot of expressive feelings inside the story line. Tezuka made the class known as Mecha, which is anecdotal hardware and robots in humanoid structure. The vivified types of manga have gotten extremel

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